The architecture of a video game code is usually based around a list of entities that represent all the game elements: players, enemies, etc. The engine iterates over this list and call the appropriate methods to update or render the entities. Since game elements get constantly created and destroyed, the list is not static but need to be updated at each iteration.

The problem is that some entities keep references to others. For example, an enemy might have a reference to the player it is currently attacking. If an entity gets removed from the list, all the references to it need to be invalidated, failing that it will introduce bugs in the code. So in a sense those references are weak (in the sense that they won’t prevent the entity from being destroyed, but must be able to find out that it has happened).

Since I am talking about video games written in C or C++ here, the language has no support for weak references, and so we have to find some other ways.

Let’s imagine we have three entities in the game (A, B and C), and C has a reference to A (maybe C is an enemy and A its target).

Imagine we use a basic implementation, where entities are stored in a linked list, and references are done with normal pointers.

When an entity update function is called, the object can decide to remove itself from the list. We risk to run into this situation:

Step 1: entity A update function is called,
        A decides that it should be
        removed from the game.

  v               |
+---+   +---+   +---+
| A |-->| B |-->| C |
+---+   +---+   +---+

Step 2: The engine removes A from the list and
        release the memory, the update continue
        with object B, and then object C.
        At this point C might try to access A,
        resulting at best in a segmentation fault,
        at worst into strange random behaviors
        (those bugs are very hard to track!)

  v               |
invalid +---+   +---+
pointer | B |-->| C |
        +---+   +---+

Doom 1

In the original DOOM game, the solution used is very simple: when an entity dies, it is not immediately removed from the list, but instead it goes into the ‘dead’ state (this is implemented by having the entity state function points to -1). Only at the next iteration will the entity actually be removed from the list.

This gives all the other entities the chance to update their references to NULL if they point to an entity about to get deleted.

Step 1:  entity A decides that is should die,
         so it flags itself as dead.

  v               |
+---+   +---+   +---+
| A*|-->| B |-->| C |
+---+   +---+   +---+

Step 2:  when C update function is called,
         C find out that A is dead, and
         so remove its reference to it
         (make it point to the NULL address).

+---+   +---+   +---+
| A*|-->| B |-->| C |
+---+   +---+   +---+

Step 3:  A is updated again, since it was
         flagged as dead, it can be safely
         removed from the list.

        +---+   +---+
        | B |-->| C |
        +---+   +---+

This implementation is simple, but you have to be careful: every entity holding references to a dead entity need to checked at each iteration that the referenced object is still valid. Moreover, an entity dead state can only be set from the entity update function.

Imagine the following state:

          v       |
+---+   +---+   +---+
| A |-->| B |-->| C |
+---+   +---+   +---+

If the update method of A sets the B state to dead, then B will immediately removes itself from the list without leaving a chance to C to update its reference.

As a side note: this is more or less the technique I used in my video game voxel invaders. Though it works pretty well, a few times I spent hours trying to figure out strange bugs that were due to the fact that an entity forgot to check and update its references.


In Quake 1, the code is a bit different. The entity list is preallocated with a preset value of max entities. Note: apparently someone at id software (maybe John Carmack?) thought the max number of 768 might be too low. In the code we can see:

#define MAX_EDICTS 768  // FIXME: ouch! ouch! ouch!

When an entity is deleted, it is simply flagged as such, so that the engine will skip it. If we need to create a new entity, we loop over the array and find a free spot. Now, the trick is that we also keep track of the time when a slot was freed, and only allow to reuse a slot two seconds after it has been freed. What this mean is that other entities in the game gets two seconds to update their references to dead entities.

Step 1: at t = 3s, the entity A update method
        decides that it should be removed
        from the game.  It clears itself
        in the array, and set its timer to 3.

  V       |
|t=3| B | C |

Step 2: eventually (but no more than 2 seconds
        later), the entity C find out that A
        slot has been cleared, and so nullify
        its reference to it.

|t=3| B | C |

Step 3: at t > 5s, the empty slot is reused
        for a new entity.

| D | B | C |

This solution is also quite simple to implement and give more flexibility to the game: we do not have to update the references immediately, also it doesn’t matter if an entity get deleted from an other entity update method. There is till the danger that an entity might not update its references during the window time. An other problem is that if we create and destroy a lot of entities quickly, then most of the slots get unused (in fact in quake, there is an explicit relaxation of the window period during level initialization to prevent this problem).

Doom 3

In DOOM III, a more robust solution is used. The idea is similar to quake, except that every reference to an entity also stores an id that uniquely identify the entity (an incremented counter). If the slot pointed to has been reused for an other entity, then we can figure it out by comparing the entity id and the reference id.

In fact, in Doom 3 code, things are a bit more complicated, since the unique id is not stored in the entity itself, but in a separated array (I suppose so that we do not waste ids for entities that cannot be referenced anyway).

State 1: all entities have a unique id
         assigned to them.  C keeps a pointer
         to A (in fact it is just an index in
         the entities array), but also the id
         of A (1).

  +-------+ 1
  V       |
|A 1|B 4|C 2|

State 2: A got removed from the list.
         C can figure out that its reference
         is invalid since the slot is empty.

  +-------+ 1
  V       |
|   |B 4|C 2|

State 3: the free slot has been reused by a
         new entity with id 5.  C does not
         need to update its reference, since
         it can still figure out that it is
         invalid by comparing the entity id
         (5) with the one he expects (1).

  +-------+ 1 (1 != 5)
  V       |
|D 5|B 4|C 2|

This solution is more robust than the two previous ones. We can keep references to entities around for as long as we want. As long as the entities ids are really unique, we can always tell that a reference is invalid. From the code we can tell that Doom 3 support spawning 1,048,576 entities before an error occurs.

The drawback is that it makes the code a bit more complicated, since we need to keep two pieces of information to represent a reference to an entity.